Transcreation is the process of adapting your content for a target market to make it resonate with the intended effect. This process usually requires translation, but how does this works and why do we talk about transcreation instead? See how we understand transcreation and how Hexagon Translation can help you.

1 Marketing Content. Transcreation is usually related to marketing texts. Marketing campaigns create an impact on the target audience and that’s what transcreation prioritize. Translation alone may not be sufficient for these tasks, a full adaptation of the content is needed to successfully reach other cultures.
2 A transcreator may not be a translator. A transcreator is usually a copywritter specialized in the target language and culture. Their ability to achieve the desired impact in the target audience is key.
3 Transcreation helps marketers reach hearts and minds. Instead of replicating the text content into a different language, transcreation aims to replicate the experience a user may have with a given brand or product.